Landscaping and Hardscaping with Style by Solution People Inc
Storm Water Management & Drainage Solutions

Residential Storm Water Management

When we build or introduce new surfaces to an existing landscape, it’s important to consider the natural flow of water in that area may be disrupted. Adding impervious surfaces like patios, driveways or roofs increases the amount of storm water runoff, which collects particles of oil, dust, and other pollutants as it travels over the surface of the ground.

This results in an excess of storm water runoff, which left untreated will travel through drains and gutters until finally depositing into lakes, streams, and the ocean.

To avoid these adverse impacts to our property and the environment, federal, state, and local laws and regulations require that storm water be managed by residential homeowners and property managers.

Solution People Inc. utilizes a wide range of NDS drainage system components to collect storm water and then disperse it back into the subsurface where it can filter naturally through the soil. NDS offers modifiable storm water management systems to meet local regulations and protect your property, all while helping maintain a cleaner environment and water table.

Drain Pipes, Catch Basins and Pop-up Drain Covers Installation

residential storm water management diagram

The advantages of a proper residential landscape drainage solutions are self-evident. It protects your home from flooding. It is also important for plant and tree health, which further enhances your property value. It protects the foundation of your home from cracking and uneven shrinkage and swelling. It drains water away from the roof, patio, garden landscape and lawn areas.