Landscaping and Hardscaping with Style by Solution People Inc
Water Features

If you don’t already have an outdoor water feature in your garden, then you’ve just got to go ahead and purchase or make yourself one this year! ...Or you can call us at Solution People Inc., and we will incorporate a water feature of your choice in your landscaping or hardscaping project.

A beautiful 3-tiered water fountain; water bubbling up in an attractive container; some aquatic plants in a half barrel; maybe a water spitter mounted on your garden’s wall. No matter how you do it, adding the element of water to your garden’s theme doesn’t have to be a major undertaking, it doesn’t have to take up a lot of room and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money.


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One of the most attractive forms of home improvement is aquatic landscaping, which can be done with plants and also with fish, stone, bridges, and all sorts of interesting features.

The first consideration when planning an aquatic landscaping project will be weather and location. For instance, if you live in an arid region, you need to think about how to keep your aquatic plants and the feature itself irrigated with clean, abundant water. However if you live in a cold northern zone, where freezing temperatures may last half the year or more, you might want to reconsider the idea of trying to incorporate aquatic landscaping out of doors, where it will result in a block of landscape ice. A better idea might be to move the aquatic feature indoors, where you can have a fountain, a waterfall, plants, and whatever else your space and budget allows.

Usually aquatic landscaping requires at least some time each year for cleaning and maintenance, and this should be scheduled so that it is done in a way that is prudent without interfering with your enjoyment of the area. You may need to spend one day a year cleaning and replanting, or servicing the water pump and filter, and this should be done between seasons. For example, you may want to wait until all the leaves have fallen before attempting to clean out your pond so that it can rest for the winter, otherwise you might have to repeat the chore each time the wind blows a few more leaves your way.

If you have fish as part of your aquatic landscaping, you will have to ensure that they stay healthy and happy, and this means that you have to monitor the quality of the water very carefully. Chlorinated water, water with too much or too little oxygen, or water that has the wrong acidic PH balance can harm your fish. And you must also ensure that the temperature is appropriate for the type of fish you introduce to your pond, while looking out for other random factors such as the neighbor’s cat or your fish-eating dogs.